The Key to Consistency
If you’re dabbling in and out of following any kind of healthy eating/portion control, doing “bits” (love island has ruined this saying for life), you will probably find it won’t work.
And whilst that is absolutely fine, if you want results, or the time comes and you’re fed up of [insert word here……body image/feeling sluggish/craving sugar etc.], then put some time aside and be consistent.
The body strives on routine. Feed it the similar time, sleep well, drink water every day and follow this for two weeks and you WILL see and feel a difference.
Then you can begin to introduce in the 80:20 rule. Two days of the same, one day with a morning/lunchtime/evening indulgence followed by a further two more days of the same.
If you feel that after two weeks, you aren’t ready to add in indulgences as you feel it may put you back to bad habits, then go for a further two weeks of being consistent with you food, drink and sleep.
If you can (ideally) remove alcohol or at least limit it to those 2 indulgent evenings (I’m not going to start recommend morning mojitos as there’s lifestyle and then there’s just alcoholism ha), your midline will certainly thank you.
If you are serious about feeling better and being proud to look in the mirror, then now is the time.
“Lack of consistency can bring a lack of interest”