“I don’t have time”

“I don’t have time”

Does this sound like you? Don’t read this wrong, I too struggle with time and I know what it’s like when you get to the end of the day and you’re just exhausted.

But you have to find the time for YOU. If you want to make a change to your health, finding the time is the first move.

This might mean getting up 30 minutes earlier to get a quick workout in whilst your food for the day is cooking.

It might mean swapping the tv for 10 minutes of meditation so that you sleep better.

If you really want to live a healthy lifestyle, make a small change of giving yourself an hour in the day. Whether that’s in one full sitting or 10 minutes here and there throughout the day.

I would like you to make a note, stick it on the fridge or mirror on how you are going to give YOURSELF 10 minutes just for you this week (tv not included!)


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